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Paul Paul Paul
Joey Joey van den Heuvel
syntex David Malmström
Tonykouw Tony Kouwenhoven
Mandark Jeroen Wille
Max Power Lars Ronteltap
CounterDesk Dirk Guijt
michelT Michel van Tol
wiskas_1000 w s
Tristan Tristan Timmermans
Pingen Rene Pingen
Ridobe Swen Arendse
Martijn Martijn Rentmeester
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Movie details
Title: James Bond: Octopussy
Year: 1983
Runtime 131 min
IMDb rating: James Bond: Octopussy on IMDb

James Bond is sent to investigate after a fellow “00” agent is found dead with a priceless Indian Fabergé egg. Bond follows the mystery and uncovers a smuggling scandal and a Russian General who wants to provoke a new World War.

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