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Mark Mark Krijgsman
Max Power Lars Ronteltap
Roel Roel Bijlard
praseodym Mark Janssen
Socks Melle Smi
Paul Paul Paul
Maarten Maarten
Padrino Frank Tabak
jabbink Jasper Abbink
Wouter Wouter Kuhnen
Dracoz Raymon Rietstra
michelT Michel van Tol
Werse Piet Heijn
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Movie details
Title: James Bond: The Living Daylights
Year: 1987
Runtime 130 min
IMDb rating: James Bond: The Living Daylights on IMDb

After a defecting Russian general reveals a plot to assassinate foreign spies, James Bond is assigned a secret mission to dispatch the new head of the KGB to prevent an escalation of tensions between the Soviet Union and the West.

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