Remember me

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16 people have seen this movie
Maarten Maarten
Roel Roel Bijlard
Werse Piet Heijn
Lennart Lennart Dorpmans
Tonykouw Tony Kouwenhoven
Derk-Jan Derk-Jan Karrenbeld
Tyche Tycho Rasch
Tristan Tristan Timmermans
syntex David Malmström
Bakhoven Patrick Bachofner
CounterDesk Dirk Guijt
michelT Michel van Tol
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0 people want to see this movie
Movie details
Title: G.I. Jane
Year: 1997
Runtime 124 min
IMDb rating: G.I. Jane on IMDb

In response to political pressure from Senator Lillian DeHaven, the U.S. Navy begins a program that would allow for the eventual integration of women into its services. The program begins with a single trial candidate, Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil, who is chosen specifically for her femininity. O'Neil enters the grueling training program under the command of Master Chief John James Urgayle, who unfairly pushes O'Neil until her determination wins his respect.

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