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37 people have seen this movie
michelT Michel van Tol
secretfool Casper Markensteijn
Mandark Jeroen Wille
Werse Piet Heijn
Becky Rebecca
zimo123 Zimo Sibbing
stefanieee12333 stefanie vonk
Celine Céline Wijchers
Derk-Jan Derk-Jan Karrenbeld
Özgür Özgür
Suzanne Suzanne de Hoog
Mereltje Merel Toussaint
syntex David Malmström
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Movie details
Title: Love Actually
Year: 2003
Runtime 135 min
IMDb rating: Love Actually on IMDb

Eight London couples try to deal with their relationships in different ways. Their tryst with love makes them discover how complicated relationships can be.

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