Remember me

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68 people have seen this movie
Paul Paul Paul
wiskas_1000 w s
Becky Rebecca
michelT Michel van Tol
Pingen Rene Pingen
Wouter Wouter Kuhnen
Bakhoven Patrick Bachofner
Krikke Marco Krikke
E1dan E B
Socks Melle Smi
Joey Joey van den Heuvel
beerd Beer van der Drift
Tom Tom Verhoeff
Tristan Tristan Timmermans
Padrino Frank Tabak
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0 people want to see this movie
Movie details
Title: Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Year: 2005
Runtime 120 min
IMDb rating: Mr. & Mrs. Smith on IMDb

After five (or six) years of vanilla-wedded bliss, ordinary suburbanites John and Jane Smith are stuck in a huge rut. Unbeknownst to each other, they are both coolly lethal, highly-paid assassins working for rival organisations. When they discover they're each other's next target, their secret lives collide in a spicy, explosive mix of wicked comedy, pent-up passion, nonstop action and high-tech weaponry.

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