Remember me

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7 people have seen this movie
Bakhoven Patrick Bachofner
Joost joost timperman
Melissa Melissa Wijchers
Mereltje Merel Toussaint
syntex David Malmström
0 people want to see this movie
Movie details
Title: In Her Shoes
Year: 2005
Runtime 130 min
IMDb rating: In Her Shoes on IMDb

Irresponsible party girl, Maggie is kicked out of her father's and stepmother's home—where she lives for free—and is taken in by her hard-working sister, Philadelphia lawyer, Rose. After Maggie's disruptive ways ruin her sister's love life, Rose turns her out as well. But when their grandmother, who they never knew existed, comes into their lives, the sisters face some complicated truths about themselves and their family.

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