Remember me

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16 people have seen this movie
Roel Roel Bijlard
Maarten Maarten
syntex David Malmström
michelT Michel van Tol
ronalde Ronald van Etten
secretfool Casper Markensteijn
Bakhoven Patrick Bachofner
Joey Joey van den Heuvel
Melissa Melissa Wijchers
Dracoz Raymon Rietstra
Özgür Özgür
Pingen Rene Pingen
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Movie details
Title: The Butterfly Effect 2
Year: 2006
Runtime 92 min
IMDb rating: The Butterfly Effect 2 on IMDb

After his girlfriend, Julie, and two best friends are killed in a tragic auto accident, Nick struggles to cope with his loss and grief. Suffering from migraine-like seizures, Nick soon discovers that he has the power to change the past via his memories. However, his time-traveling attempts to alter the past and save his one true love have unexpected and dire consequences.

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