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jabbink Jasper Abbink
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Tonykouw Tony Kouwenhoven
ronalde Ronald van Etten
Joey Joey van den Heuvel
Brian Brian Frijmersum
Padrino Frank Tabak
Bakhoven Patrick Bachofner
Özgür Özgür
Dracoz Raymon Rietstra
E1dan E B
Ruben Ruben Starmans
htdv Hylke
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Movie details
Title: Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
Year: 2008
Runtime 107 min
IMDb rating: Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay on IMDb

Having satisfied their urge for White Castle, Harold and Kumar jump on a plane to catch up with Harold's love interest, who's headed for the Netherlands. But the pair must change their plans when Kumar is accused of being a terrorist. Rob Corddry also stars in this wild comedy sequel that follows the hapless stoners' misadventures as they try to avoid being captured by the Department of Homeland Security.

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